E-learning – Here’s how anyone can learn new skills online

Learning is defined as the journey of acquiring knowledge or skills through study. It is the constant change in an individual’s life that helps them evolve into wiser beings. Unfortunately, more often than not we find ourselves in a dilemma when we wish to learn but do not have the time. But what if we were to tell you that there is a solution to the problem? That is e-learning.

Let us first understand, what is e-learning?
In simple words, e-learning can be defined as the learning acquired through online content. The content has audio-visual elements and uses gamification as a primary mode of imparting knowledge. Some of the advantages it offers over offline learning are – flexibility, convenience, and affordability.

Now that we are clear about what it means, let us discuss the various mediums through which you can learn online.

1. Trainings:
There are various platforms that offer trainings on in-demand skills and to help explore interest and find your passion. These trainings are designed for a fixed duration, with a proper channel for getting your queries answered. You will also receive a certification at the successful completion of the training. Also, to ensure that you have a flawless experience and avoid any issues, you could search about the platform to check its credibility and also read about the experiences of previous users who did a training.

2. Online tutorials:
With a wide variety of tutorials available, almost anything can be learned online. The tutorials could be in the form of audio, video or a mix of both. These tutorials are designed for the masses, so some students might understand a topic, and some might face difficulty. Moreover, for a user who isn’t sure about what to pursue, it might feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This medium does offer knowledge but without a certification, hence it might not appeal to
everyone. Also, having a sound knowledge about how to research online would come in handy while seeking answers to your queries. 

3. MOOC:
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses where students can enrol as per topic preference. They are well-structured and offer the user the choice to mould the curriculum as per convenience. It also offers an edge over online tutorials because the content is consolidated and collected at a single place for each topic and can be accessed easily. Also, to receive a certificate after the successful completion of the course, you will have to pay an additional cost. As for the queries that might arise, there isn't a dedicated channel to get them answered hence some platforms might provide assistance and for some, you will have to research and seek answers online. 

Technology has made the process of learning easier and it would further simplify the process in the coming years. However, users still struggle to find the way that suits them best. To make it simple, each of the medium has its share of advantages and disadvantages associated with it. So, to begin with, it is essential to realize the kind of user you are, what is the objective and the extent to which you are willing to work. Once you have found answers to these questions, pursue a medium that suits you best and do not give up till you have successfully learned the skill.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the author Sarvesh Agrawal, Founder and CEO, Internshala.com. The matter of this article has not been edited by theedupress.com. The EduPress shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/ organization directly or indirectly.)