45 private schools in Delhi summoned by child rights commission for denying books to EWS students

New Delhi: The Delhi Commission For Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) summoned 45 private schools last week for allegedly denying books to students of the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category, according to one of its members.

The DCPCR received complaints that the children had not been given books by these private schools since April, the member said.

Taking up the matter, the commission summoned the schools and resolved the issue, the member further said, adding that the institutions have agreed to provide the textbooks.

The Right to Education (RTE) Act mandates private schools to reserve 25 per cent seats for EWS/DG category and impart free and compulsory education to these students till the completion of elementary education.

Under the Delhi RTE rules, students enrolled under the EWS/DG (disadvantaged group) categories in private schools have access to free textbooks, writing material and uniforms, for which the government reimburses a fixed amount.

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