10 recommendations by UNESCO to improve TVET ecosystem in India

With an in-depth analysis of the current state of TVET in India highlighting next practices and recommendations, the UNESCO released a report which aims to serve as a reference tool for enhancing and influencing the policies and programs related to skills development in India. It can be used by TVET practitioners, policy makers, private sector and donor agencies for planning future engagements in the TVET sector in India.

In order to achieve evidence-based results, the Report outlines a set of ten recommendations that should be adopted to help achieve the stated vision for TVET in the country. These include critical recommendations for informal workers who make up the largest portion of India’s workforce. In particular, the Report makes important recommendations towards preserving and promoting India’s vast reserves of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, an activity that can create livelihoods for large numbers of its citizens and also instill a sense of pride and ownership among the youth.

The ten recommendations are:

  • Place learners and their aspirations at the centre of vocational education and training programmes
  • Create an appropriate ecosystem for teachers, trainers and assessors
  • Focus on upskilling, re-skilling and lifelong learning
  • Ensure inclusive access to TVET for women, differently abled and disadvantaged learners
  • Massively expand the digitalization of vocational education and training
  • Support local communities to generate livelihoods by engaging in the preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage
  • Align better with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • Deploy innovative models of financing TVET
  • Expand evidence-based research for better planning and monitoring
  • Establish a robust coordinating mechanism for inter-ministerial cooperation

(Shared from UNESCO State of the Education Report for India 2020: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Report)

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