Request for Expression of Interest invited for Empanelment of Strategic Partner for Education Initiatives at Schools in India

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is a not-for-profit public limited company incorporated under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (corresponding to section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013). NSDC was set up by the Ministry of Finance as Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Government of India through the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) holds 49% of the share capital of NSDC, while the private sector has a balance of 51% of the share capital

NSDC aims to impanel agencies for Strategic Partnership with NSDC as per the Terms of Reference mentioned in this REoI in Annexure II. Agencies should provide innovative proposals demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant expertise to achieve the physical and financial plan and thus play a strategic role in the school ecosystem in the country. NSDC shall subject to other terms, provide exclusive rights to the Strategic Partner based on the Business Plan (as per Annexure-II)  (“Proposal”) submitted by such Partner and other relevant factors. Applicants (hereinafter defined), through their Proposal, shall be required to provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to fulfill the said objective.

To achieve the aforesaid, NSDC is inviting expressions of interest from the entities that fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in this REOI at Annexure-I (Eligibility Criteria) and impanel entities (“Strategic Partners”) on an exclusive basis.

  1. Roles And Responsibilities of Strategic Partner(s): In line with the proposed business model as mentioned above, Strategic Partner shall: Adhere to the guidelines as per the contract.
  2. Formulate areas and business-specific strategies for maximizing value addition to the entire project.
  3.  Meet the operational and financial milestones as agreed in the Business Plan
  4. Work in coordination with the NSDC business team and provide periodic updates as per mutual agreement.
  5. Facilitate end-to-end operational execution of the program to achieve the desired outcome by meeting, liaising, and strategizing with the relevant stakeholders.
  6. Undertake immediate actions on the feedback and escalation, if any, from the stakeholders
  7. Ensure MIS and dashboards are updated through Skill India Portal (“SIP”)
  8. Follow a coordinated approach in achieving the above objectives for maximizing the benefits over time and space and in reaching out to the target group.

Note: Submission of all valid/legal documents is mandatory. Only those agencies whose proposals meet all the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted for empanelment.

Last date for submission: 15 February 2023, 06:00 PM